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The STEMAB concept is being proposed as a potential model in the school of the future contest.   

STEMAB concept


The framework of the STEMAB concept was submitted.  Work continues on developing the concept and seeking interest from others.

Future School

Our school truly aims to serve the needs of our community by gaining insights from all stakeholders. We will utilize both the traditional and non-traditional methods to reach young people. These methods were based upon the XQ Superschool competition.  

Do you desire a school that will give you a well-rounded and rigorous training environment? The resounding feedback has been YES. This was based on the understanding that students of today learn in different ways and have more distractions than students previously. As a result of these distractions, we believe they need more assistance in reaching their academic potential. Among these would be recognizing that they have different sleep patterns. As a result, we believe that our school day should reflect either the 9-5 or 10-6 core format, with childcare onsite. Our premise on this model is simple. We believe that if the student believes they are obtaining a quality education that can apply across any spectrum of society, they will put in the work to succeed. We believe that our choice of having a flexible hour of operation for our academic environment is supported by research studies that provide data on how and when students learn the best and have the greatest likelihood of succeeding (


We believe the current education system is flawed since it does a poor job of capturing this information. We think that the current K-16 approach does not prepare students to work in a global economy. Students in our school would be given access to various learning environments, and class size would be limited to 15-20 students per cluster. We believe this reflects a more real world concept and will develop the familiarity needed to develop soft skills since they will become familiar with the students they see every day. We believe this would lead to fewer disruptions and a more collaborative environment. Studies have shown that distractions have led some students to focus on online learning because it allows them to pursue their passion and eliminates the day to day distractions. Our research thus far has identified that students want to focus on creative writing, poetry, music appreciation (all genres), global-history (from other perspectives), digital design, software development, acting, or film-making. These are not considered the expected general interests of students.  

We believe that these health concerns can identified early and factored into the development of their learning plan the outcomes of success will increase drastically.